I'm not feeling well now. So I shall pack my bag and off to bed. Goodnight all.
"The same one who gave you a reason to wake up smiling, can have you crying to sleep every night."
Purple. Stitch. Ribbons/Bows. Polka Dots. Penguin. 2PM.
I am mentally dating two guys:
#1 Jiro Wang since Primary Five ♥ #2 Jang Wooyoung since Nov 2012 ♥
I am mentally dating two guys:
#1 Jiro Wang since Primary Five ♥ #2 Jang Wooyoung since Nov 2012 ♥
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tired + Unwell
I'm tired alreadyyyyy~ so a short post. f&n test tomorrow. somehow know some of it so i guess it's alright. I didnt study for it, waaaaalao!!
10:59 PM

Friday, January 28, 2011
The Wonderful Friday
After blogging, I'll watch my fav. show, Autumn's Concerto! (:
I gave school a miss today. and now I have got to wait till about four plus for AdamWong to come over my place to do his d&t work and head back to his place. It's friday. I love fridays! who doesnt? hehe. anyway, after so long, i'm finally able to get Awey's hugs&kisses again. Did I mention that I have not met him since Monday except in school?
I went to Bugis again yesterday. One thing I hate about in Bugis was, It's squeezy at this period of time plus it's really messy. Unless I go with Eve Yong, I wont get lost and end up in th same place over and over again. LOL. But I managed to buy a dress. Though its a simple one, but it looks nice. I still want to buy more clothings!!! :( can never get enough of it.
Oh yes, please click on my nuffnang ads when it appears alright? Pretty please? :) It wont kill you and wont waste too much of your time!! Tags too, hehe xie xie~ xoxo readers!
11:41 AM

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Buck up!!

There's 3 class tests going on tomorrow. Ss, geog and maths. As for maths, most probably I'll fail lol. Geog and Ss, I shall revise it later. actually, i've got no confidence for both of these too. ._.
why my t'board is so dead?!?!?!!! I need tags to motivate me to update my blog more regularly! more tags please????
Till then, xoxo.
6:49 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2011
I Love You, Mummy!
I've got th best mum in th world. She's altering my skirt for me now. Trying so hard again and again to do so. I love you mummy! ♥
It's Monday again tomorrow and it sucks. Monday blues, ever heard of that? I bet y'all did ~ Roar. & most probably, it's gonna be my 1st day of menses for this month tomorrow. BUT, on a happier note, it's my anniversary! 1y5m with Awey! (L)
Got to head to bed soon. Why do weekends always end so quickly?!? Ok I know I've been repeating this alot of times but seriously, time passes so fast..... ._. Coursework day again tomorrow. Hopefully I'm able to complete alot of things.
Alright, goodnight all!
9:55 PM

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Fun Day Out
So I went to look for Christine today at her house. Our plan was actually to cook lunch, then study, make pineapple tarts and play mahjong. But then her maid cooked lunch for us, while we're doing our homework. ended up we didnt really study at all LOL but I completed my Ss SEQ and physics homework. she didnt even really do anything at all lorrrr!! So after doing homework, we ate then played with her webcam~ took piccas!

after playing with webcam, we then went to make pineapple tarts. it's damn awesome! except that it's quite sweet to me, although not to others. weird?

after playing with webcam, we then went to make pineapple tarts. it's damn awesome! except that it's quite sweet to me, although not to others. weird?
we played mahjong for awhile after baking, then off to brought th tarts to Awey's mum. went to mac to sit and chat awhile, then went back to find Awey's mum again. l-o-l. initially our intention was to take pineapple tarts from her to eat but failed HAHAHAHA. due to something, we took keys from her and went to Awey's house. stayed there till for about erm.... 10 plus. and off to braddell mac to have our dinner. afterall, a good day with Christine Goh. haha~ we had alot of talks. Agree not Kwistine?!?!!! :)
Finally after so long, I did a pictureful post agn, haha! enjoy alright. rmbr to tag please. luv y'all readers! :)
11:45 PM

Love Weekends!
I'm fully awake now. waiting for 12 plus and I'll go and shower then off to that idiot ChristineGohKaiTing's house. It's weekends! I love it. Hehehe! :B but Sunday's arriving tomorrow, which means it's gonna be Monday again. OH NOOOOO...
so I searched for definitions for my coursework last night. those related factors I guess I'm able to get it from textbook. :)
Teachers are kp-ing me to lengthen my skirt. Like almost everyday, she'll complain. wtf please. so I'm gonna go sew my new skirt myself I guess. Or either, mummy will help me to alter it. I'm gonna wear a long skirt to school from Monday onwards to shut her bloody mouth -.-
Tags please thankyou, xoxo.
10:43 AM

Thursday, January 20, 2011
School. Study. School. Study
Well, feel so stressed. Having a lot of class tests coming up next week. wa fuck it manz. I'll force myself to study this weekend. @_@ goodnight people!
8:41 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Somehow started on F&N coursework. Glad and feel so relieved knowing that this year's coursework for N's is kind of easy, I mean, not as hard as I expected. At least I know what to do for it. Well, there's extra lessons that will be starting on Thurs onwards. Fuck it. Guess what? School will be ending at about 3/3.30 on Fri. How nice. -.-
I just fucking wish that N levels will end soon seriously. I'm tired... damn tired. Tired of school and studies, tired of relationship problems.
Kk I shall stop all these crap. Being a girl sucks 'cause we'll have PMS. well, tag me people! :)
Xoxo readers.
8:41 PM

Sunday, January 16, 2011
It's School Again Tmrw / 1y9m (L)
Why does th weekend end so fast?!? I hate it. It's school tomorrow again. Boring ~ Gonna start coursework tomorrow most probably. One word - Sian! Anyway, although Baby told me this yesterday, but we totally forgot about it until about half an hour ago. It's our 1y9m anniversary today! Hehehe. Happy anniversary my dearest! ♥
I'm hungry. I'm heading to bed early tonight. :)
&I dont know why, I dont feel so happy now. Like, I've really got no mood. Without any reason?~ @_@
Okkkkkk till then, xoxo. goodnight readers ;)
I'm hungry. I'm heading to bed early tonight. :)
&I dont know why, I dont feel so happy now. Like, I've really got no mood. Without any reason?~ @_@
Okkkkkk till then, xoxo. goodnight readers ;)
9:34 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I find today's date so nice lorrr! But it's weird when it comes to writing date in school HAHAHAHA cause at times, i dont have th habit to put "/" in between th dates or something. so it'll be like "11111". Like five lines lor!!! It doesnt even look like its a date please.
Actually, I'm quite worried for my english now lor! I'm afraid it'll deprove 'cause of th teacher that is teaching us. -.- Like how can we really pass and get an A when that teacher pronounciation is so wrong/weird herself?!?
Anw I didnt die in today's 3 periods of F&N LOL. But was quite sleepy though. Assembly tomorrow. Damn sucks. After that, having Mass CCA. When can we step down?! It's only Tuesday and I'm really dead beat in th morning when I woke up and dragging my feet to school. FRIDAY, QUICK ARRIVE!! But when each day passed by, it's not a good thing. Mid-Year/Prelims/N levels is coming. Imagine, if N levels can make people feel so stressful, what about O's?!? Are we gonna dieeeee......
Oi everyone. my formspring is real dead! I'll consider to take it down soon I guess. Or either, remove it and place my t'board back. But now, it's not gone yet, please formspring me. ;) tyty. BTW.....
Happy 3y11m TanDyinYin!
One more month to 4year. hehehe. Luvs. ♥
Actually, I'm quite worried for my english now lor! I'm afraid it'll deprove 'cause of th teacher that is teaching us. -.- Like how can we really pass and get an A when that teacher pronounciation is so wrong/weird herself?!?
Anw I didnt die in today's 3 periods of F&N LOL. But was quite sleepy though. Assembly tomorrow. Damn sucks. After that, having Mass CCA. When can we step down?! It's only Tuesday and I'm really dead beat in th morning when I woke up and dragging my feet to school. FRIDAY, QUICK ARRIVE!! But when each day passed by, it's not a good thing. Mid-Year/Prelims/N levels is coming. Imagine, if N levels can make people feel so stressful, what about O's?!? Are we gonna dieeeee......
Oi everyone. my formspring is real dead! I'll consider to take it down soon I guess. Or either, remove it and place my t'board back. But now, it's not gone yet, please formspring me. ;) tyty. BTW.....
Happy 3y11m TanDyinYin!
One more month to 4year. hehehe. Luvs. ♥
8:56 PM

Monday, January 10, 2011
Getting Used To School

I went shopping with Eve today! So happy, hehehe. We both bought each two dresses, 1 slipper and a bag. Like twins only, same same. But all different stuff. Haha. But one of my dress looks weird on me though. @_@ nevermind, shall go to th tailor or smth. :)
Oh well. I miss 2009 so god damn much. the best year, i guess..
anyway, i'm so happy that my babyboy is so hard working this year! he paid attention to all th lessons and everything. yay i did it! :) but hopefully this will goes on for the next term and until N levels over. My Awey got to study hard and get a good job. he said he'll let me be taitai next time. YAY LOL. :P
Okay I miss this fattypig so much now. got to go bed soon~ school tomorrow. three periods of F&N. I hope I wont die. -.- idk why, but i look forward to friday alot. hehe. spend more time with my pig. ♥ ok xoxo everyone!
11:15 PM

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Totally Drained Out
Godddd! I'm missing my Piggy Fatty Awey so much now. Anyway, I feel so pig-ish today LOL. I slept till this afternoon. Although I woke up but slept back at about 10 plus. No choice, school's draning me out. Like totally.
When this weekend ends, it's gonna be a mugging time.. No more of playing. Got to study real hard already.. Although it'll be very tiring and stuffs, but no choice. Just get it through for about 10 months!! 加油!
I'm happy that I can really see BabyBoy studying! he said he paid attention in all the lessons and stuff. Yay! ♥
I shall go shower soon. bye. :)
When this weekend ends, it's gonna be a mugging time.. No more of playing. Got to study real hard already.. Although it'll be very tiring and stuffs, but no choice. Just get it through for about 10 months!! 加油!
I'm happy that I can really see BabyBoy studying! he said he paid attention in all the lessons and stuff. Yay! ♥
I shall go shower soon. bye. :)
2:49 PM

Thursday, January 6, 2011
It's Finally Going To Be Friday..
After blogging, I'll head to bed. School is quite alright for yesterday and today, I guess? I'm kind of worried for my F&N coursework though. But it's quite stupid. Why th hell that it's a MUST for us to buy thumbdrive from th school?!? wasting our money only wtf! just for a freaking N levels, we got to buy thumbdrive from school. It's like, we have our own one already what! Stupid new rule. Zz. What's more, no using of internet for everything except for research part. STUPID OR WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!! -_-
I'm really unhappy yesterday and today, until this evening, i'm back to normal, a happy me again! Well, life's like that, and it do sucks at times~ @_@ anyway, caught the movie "The Ghosts Must Be Crazy" with Awey, Benny and Yiying today. Quite a funny show? Not bad afterall.
Time for bed now! School tomorrow again. But!!!! TGIF! goodnight everyone!
I'm really unhappy yesterday and today, until this evening, i'm back to normal, a happy me again! Well, life's like that, and it do sucks at times~ @_@ anyway, caught the movie "The Ghosts Must Be Crazy" with Awey, Benny and Yiying today. Quite a funny show? Not bad afterall.
Time for bed now! School tomorrow again. But!!!! TGIF! goodnight everyone!
11:07 PM

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
TDY's 17th.

Hi Sister. It's your special day today! I've got nothing much to say to you because you know i just love you ;) thanks for always being there for me~ like, really, always! Love you much dear! 11th/Feb is coming. Our 4th year! Haha! Anyway, dont be sad already alright? You know you've got us be with you ~ your lovely friends/sister! xoxo.
4:50 PM

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
First Day Of School 2011
If you're following me on Twitter, you should know how unhappy am I.. My school really changed alot of things now. I dislike it srsly. Especially th teachers wise. quite a few teacher changed. I dont like it. Physics and english especially. Wa srsly fml ):
But nevertheless, I'm still gonna study hard. This might be my last year in FTP anyway. But if i've got th chance to get up to sec 5, most probably, I would. but it sounds not really possible? haha whatever it is, I'll study hard with Bb boy! :)
But nevertheless, I'm still gonna study hard. This might be my last year in FTP anyway. But if i've got th chance to get up to sec 5, most probably, I would. but it sounds not really possible? haha whatever it is, I'll study hard with Bb boy! :)
9:20 PM

Monday, January 3, 2011
Time For School
alright, stay tune for my next blog entry!!
7:18 PM

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Dedications To My Love Ones
Well, a year have passed once again. How time flies.. (':
2010 has been quite a good year to me, although not to almost everyone. But at least, we all got over through all these hardships yes? Once again, it's dedication time, for those who I loved, and played an important role in my life! Thanks to every single one of you, my dearies!! So here's how it goes now.... AdamWong shall be th first, as he requested from me. Hahaha! Others, in no particular order okay!
(this picture's taken on 1/1/2011, exactly 12am. :P cool right?! hahahaha! although not very nice, but it's just for memories..)
Hey my dear baby boy! this whole year, you've been through with me. ups and downs.. although we had quarrels, we had a miserable time with each other, we fought, we cried, we got angry with each other and we scolded each other, but we had good times too. We played together(e.g fighting), we pretended to bicker with each other, we smiled, we laughed, we gossip about others, we went out together, compromised each other, gave in to each other, had h2h talks, celebrated birthdays together and much more to mention.. In this one whole year 2010, i believed our love for each other had grown much more, we need each other more than in year 2009. our love is stronger than before. I just hope all these wont ever end. although at times i feel like letting go so much, but you know, i cant do it. thanks so much for putting so much effort in this relationship. i do know that, you truly loves me. i hope that this love, will go on and on, untill th day we got married, and everything. ok, i shall stop here okayyy. for more, you go to th loveydovey blog and read it alright? i love you baby. ♥
Asthina Tan! we tend to kept drifting everytime. I dont know and not sure why though ~ but still, i believe everytime when we meet up, our friendship would be like before. thanks, for accompanying through 2009 and to 2010. will you accompany me through 2011 too?! ♥
EVE YONG LI LEI! (: thanks for always concerning about me. knowing that im sad or smth, you'd sure come up and ask me what happened. I know, when im in a bad mood, i'll show attitude. i'm sorry for that. i love to have late night talks with you! like drinking session cum h2h talks! ♥
Ng Si Hwee ~ although we dont meet so often, although, we aint really that close, but you're still important to me, my lovely! I remember how we first met, and everything! thanks for always being there whenever I needed you. I know, no matter what, like when im upset or smth, once I text you and you saw it, you'll sure show concern about me and stuffs. you'll even make th effort to phone me up! be my lovely always kk? HAHA. ♥
2010 has been quite a good year to me, although not to almost everyone. But at least, we all got over through all these hardships yes? Once again, it's dedication time, for those who I loved, and played an important role in my life! Thanks to every single one of you, my dearies!! So here's how it goes now.... AdamWong shall be th first, as he requested from me. Hahaha! Others, in no particular order okay!
Hey my dear baby boy! this whole year, you've been through with me. ups and downs.. although we had quarrels, we had a miserable time with each other, we fought, we cried, we got angry with each other and we scolded each other, but we had good times too. We played together(e.g fighting), we pretended to bicker with each other, we smiled, we laughed, we gossip about others, we went out together, compromised each other, gave in to each other, had h2h talks, celebrated birthdays together and much more to mention.. In this one whole year 2010, i believed our love for each other had grown much more, we need each other more than in year 2009. our love is stronger than before. I just hope all these wont ever end. although at times i feel like letting go so much, but you know, i cant do it. thanks so much for putting so much effort in this relationship. i do know that, you truly loves me. i hope that this love, will go on and on, untill th day we got married, and everything. ok, i shall stop here okayyy. for more, you go to th loveydovey blog and read it alright? i love you baby. ♥
2:13 AM

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