I went shopping with Eve today! So happy, hehehe. We both bought each two dresses, 1 slipper and a bag. Like twins only, same same. But all different stuff. Haha. But one of my dress looks weird on me though. @_@ nevermind, shall go to th tailor or smth. :)
Oh well. I miss 2009 so god damn much. the best year, i guess..
anyway, i'm so happy that my babyboy is so hard working this year! he paid attention to all th lessons and everything. yay i did it! :) but hopefully this will goes on for the next term and until N levels over. My Awey got to study hard and get a good job. he said he'll let me be taitai next time. YAY LOL. :P
Okay I miss this fattypig so much now. got to go bed soon~ school tomorrow. three periods of F&N. I hope I wont die. -.- idk why, but i look forward to friday alot. hehe. spend more time with my pig. ♥ ok xoxo everyone!
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