after playing with webcam, we then went to make pineapple tarts. it's damn awesome! except that it's quite sweet to me, although not to others. weird?
we played mahjong for awhile after baking, then off to brought th tarts to Awey's mum. went to mac to sit and chat awhile, then went back to find Awey's mum again. l-o-l. initially our intention was to take pineapple tarts from her to eat but failed HAHAHAHA. due to something, we took keys from her and went to Awey's house. stayed there till for about erm.... 10 plus. and off to braddell mac to have our dinner. afterall, a good day with Christine Goh. haha~ we had alot of talks. Agree not Kwistine?!?!!! :)
Finally after so long, I did a pictureful post agn, haha! enjoy alright. rmbr to tag please. luv y'all readers! :)
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