Happy 2nd anniversary to boyfriend and I! ♥
It's such a special day today. Because other than it's my anniversary with Adam, it's also my favorite Jiro Wang's birthday! Happy birthday 大東! ♥

Baby love, it has been two years. I know I've written you a letter and sent you a long message. I wanted to blog a long post just for you, but I'm feeling rather tired right now. So, I'm sorry alright? As long as you know, I love you. & Just only words can't describe how deep my love for you is. :)
After school, we rushed back home to get prepare. We met straight at tpy interchange, then train to Bishan. Yup, a short and simple day. Went to get movie tickets at first. We stood outside the cinema for damn long 'cause we have no idea what to watch. In the end, we decided to watch Rise of the planet of the Apes. It's a nice show! Really! & there's saddening part as well. I teared..... LOL. For quite a number of times. GO CATCH IT, YOU WON'T REGRET!

I'm sorry for all those blur/unclear/ugly pictures as I did not bring my camera out.
We went to Pizza Hut to have our lunch + dinner right after we got the tickets. He ordered a spaghetti student meal, and I ordered baked pasta student meal. We even ordered a personal pan pizza to share. Hai. So regretted for ordering so much stuffs to eat 'cause we're very full after that. Too greedy :P

Only managed to take this picture as I guess we're too eager to eat~

Went to shop around and bought popcorn + drink in to the cinema. After the show train back to Tpy central, went to take a look in Kiddy Palace, planning what to get for Baby Amber on her birthday. After awhile, we went to get snowskin mooncakes as I was craving for it then bus back to his place to keep the mooncake and walked to my place. He accompanied me for awhile as no one's around at home and he don't want me to be alone at home being bored. Awww ♥

He went back home at about nine plus. I feel like hugging him to sleep tonight. In fact, every night....... Dearest, It's not easy to come this far together. How many times we tried to let each other go but in the end we did not because the love we have for each other is too strong? But I'm so glad that we've never let each other go once even though we feel like it at times. I know it's impossible to find someone so awesome like you again. I know at times I'd feel that you're not good and etc, but that's because I'm upset at that point of time. At the end of the day, you're still the best, and I know it in my heart. I don't want to lose you, never ever do I want that to happen. I want to be your last, I want you to be my last. I'm not sure whether can we make it till the end, but I hope we will. There's so many things I wanna tell you that even if I were to write a thousand posts also can't describe all the love and feelings I want to let you know. So I'll stop all these mushy stuffs here. Last but not least, you know I do love you, ♥.
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