HELLO EVERYONE! IT'S MY 16th BIRTHDAY TODAY! I'M SIXTEEN~ YAY! Okay that's kind of lame, but yuppp i'm finally sixteen! So let's post a bit about my birthday celebration(s).
On the 13th of August, I went out with friends to celebrate my birthday! Thank you for those who came, but I'm sorry that I'm not feeling very happy on that day, I don't know why, I'm having a real weird mood swings nowadays. I was suppose to feel happy, but instead I'm having the feeling of "I'd rather stay at home". Sigh. But nevertheless, thank you everyone! Oh yes and we went to a random temple to pray. 求签(?) and asked about my studies. It's an average one! On my life, and all. :)

(This picture is missing of Shalini 'cause she came late~)
& Today, I went out with my dearest boy. It was a simple yet nice day out. But again, my mood swing is crazy and my mood went up and down up and down up and down. Hate this. At least I get to spend some crazy and funny time with him! Thank you baby, for every little things and effort you made to make me happy and stuffs. Had our lunch at Just Acia.
This is yumz!
My Love ♥
One good thing about Just Acia is that the drinks/icecreams there are free flow if you order their set meals! & The Set meals are all affordable! Though I don't quite like their Spaghetti, but still okay lah, average! A good place to chill after eating! We then went to shop around and went to near Clarke Quay to look at the beautiful scenery. He got me a real cute camera necklace that is able to make the real snapping of pictures sound and with flash! Awwww... & The Famous Amos cookie was supposed to be a surprise present but yet I guessed what he bought for me :P I'm too smart and able to read his mind too well!
The "black-ish" ink was supposed to be dark purple. 'Cause there's only Dark Purple in FA, and I like Purple thus he chose this color for me. Oh well ~
I'm so in love with this necklace!
Went back home and had Pizza Hut + KFC for dinner. I'm so not hungry thus I only ate one piece of chicken wing + one slice of Pizza. It's such a waste that Baby isn't here 'cause he'd sure gobble up the pizzas! Had a cut-cake session with all of them after eating ~ Full like what! Amber went to blow off my candle while I'm making a wish. Thus I told her, "Your birthday I'd blow off your candle too!" She replied me in a very sad tone, "Oh."
Sorry for the dark picture! :(
Afterall, today is still a good day though I'm having so many up and down mood. Thank you my family, Thank you Baby Love, Thank you friends, for celebrating my 16th birthday with me! Loves for all of you ~ Not forgetting, Thank to those who wished me happy birthday! Especially those who remembered my birthday by heart, and not by social-networks! Oh by the way, Loh Seng Guan texted me from Brunei to wish me happy birthday! So happy to receive his text but his bill sure cost a bomb this month 'cause he kept calling back to talk to Shi Qi, messaging her and stuffs. I replied him and I have no idea how much will it cost but never mind ~ Hope he's well over there!
I can't wait for my prelims to end! Sigh so tiring! I can't imagine if it's N levels. I did not study for prelims and I feel the stress. Imagine I got to chiong for N levels, EVEN MORE STRESS. HATE TAKING EXAMINATIONS! =( Thurs, I'm waiting for your arrival! I want to spend my weekends with my Baby! Please, weekend come fast!
P/S: Sorry for all of those unglam pictures of mine. I know it's ugly but yeah... tolerate okay? :( I'm sad that I'm not able to take nice pictures nowadays too. Sigh........ I'm fat and I know it, so shut up. Who doesn't want to be skinny. But as long as Baby is fine with it, I don't wish to care about others' comment!
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