I went off early to meet Baby on Fri 'cause he ended work early at about 10 plus! So I went to find him :) Went to have Macs on Saturday, & spent the whole Saturday with him. I really love the time spent on Saturday with him the most. It's such a simple and sweet day. ♥ With him by my side, lazing around at his house, had some casual talks, took a stroll with him at night to central to get disc, being cuddled by him, having his kisses randomly, disturbing each other and so on.. This feeling, is what I loved the most. I call it happiness. :)
Today might not be a very good day though. 'Cause I have no idea why but lose my temper at him =( I'm so sorry my boy. We went separate ways kinda early today as he got to work. I'm seriously missing him so much so much so much so much now.. Might not be able to meet up with him and get his hugs for the whole of next week. Roar. Why do he have got to go to his Dad's house! :'(
Hey baby, thank you so much for everything. Really love you so much! I love being dote and pampered by you 'cause I feel so much like a little girl of yours and a princess. Haha! But don't pamper me too much okay! :( I'm already 3/4 being spoilt by you! Tsk. Xoxo♥

I've no idea why I can't take a nice shot of myself nowadays. Damn depressed by it LOL
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