A few pictures to be uploaded here ~
It's a long, yet fun day with Christine Goh yesterday! (Since it's passed 12AM, I shall use yesterday.) It's quite a last minute decision for us to go Nex. So I met her at around 3 plus after preparing everything.

While waiting for MRT to arrive ~
Went there to eat and shop awhile, then head to J8 to make our friendship bracelet! hehe. (picture a lil blur & dark, sorraye.)

Head to meet Gary Lim at block one. Slacked till about 9 plus? and then we went off to block nine for swing without Gary. Had lots of h2h talks over there with her. I likez, hehe. (Y) went to pasar malam at about 1130 as I'm craving for some cheese tofu hahahaha. went my block downstairs for some slacking, snapping pics and h2h talks after that. but there's lots of interruption going on while talking as Gary Lim called me for some chattings as he told me he's bored + scared of th dark on th way home like wtf he's so gay LOL. so yeahhhh. @_@

Enjoy th piccas people! Hmmmm somehow I feel like abandon blogger.com for other blogging web..... but oh well, i understand blogger.com th most though. so yeah, might consider again before making decision! but most probably, i wont be moving to other sites. :) Till then!
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