It's a busy busy week for me. Okay, not really busy though LOL. But just that I won't be able to meet Dearest. Hmmm I think I shall stay over at his place on Thurs?! Sports carnival on Friday~ @_@
Anyway. this week, I still can't seems to find anything to let me turn my study mode on. fuck it la can anyone teach me what can I do to make myself study?!?!!! :( Sigh.
Whatever it is. Taiwan Spree opened @ lovetemperature.bs. take a look k thank youz! I know i've been neglecting my blog for very long already. I seems to be busy when I don't really know why LOL -_- I miss baby girl so much now. hopefully she'll be back soon. I've got a new addiction - Hershey's kisses. damn nice please. Get me some to show some love!! LOL. Kkkkkkk getting fatter and fatter I feel like going to jog. LOL. sigh why must people get fat? :( wo bu xi huan. byez.