it's a tiring day today. was feeling so tired for th damn whole day. shall go off to bed very soon. tomorrow gotta buy books. adamwong accompanying me go, ofcourse he must. ^-^ might be tonning tomorrow. shall see how, baby ton, i ton lo. <: uh so... went to baby's place in th afternoon like, three plus going four. met asthina tan at downstairs around six going seven. dragged baby down with me. :P actually he dont wanna come along. but too bad he loves me too
much so have to go with me HAHAHAHA. btw his hair is veryvery black. no nice. >:
slacked tgt till around nine plus going ten. with adamwong asthinatan garywong & zengquan. zengquan went off to dontknow where with ahqi after she came. so left th four of us. played cards. so bored & tired one. ):
k 31st tmrw. i wonder where am i going to countdown at. i wanna watch fireworks. so beebee have to accompany me, dontcare. ^-^
i'll write my newyear resolution!!!! and i'll write thankyou messages and all tomorrow. :D
1) a better year together with adamwong ahead,
2) wont have so much quarrels anymore,
3) last long, stay as sweet, overcoming every obstacles together,
4) study well, get good grades,
5) a year with not so much troubles,
6) wont neglect all of my friends like: asthinatan tanxiaobee seaweedng rinkolow and so on.
7) meet up more with them,
8) dont drift with them.
9) wont be so broke anymore ):
10) everyone to be happy & healthy. especially those people important to me. ^-^