I'm sure this sistership of ours, is never gonna end.
Dearest sister, we've gone through a lot in this 33 months together. and all these obstacles, made me believe in this, "ONCE SISTER, ALWAYS SISTER." and also, you made me believe. Because th love you showered on me is unconditional, whatever happens you're still here for me. Giving and taking, is not only needed in relationship but friendship and sistership. and you've always been giving in to me. Am so lucky to have a sister like you.
Although I hate some points of yours. YOU KNOW WHAT LAH HOR HAHAHA. but still, that all is a minor thing compared to th love bonds we had. we have seen a lot of bad points in one another, getting high together, getting th mood at th lowest point together, doing those ugly things together. This sistership is still gonna go on..
Love you much and always. Tan Dyin Yin, I'll never let this sistership of ours end. We had tried to end this sistership quite a few times, but failed. we had a lot of quarrels, but those quarrels failed to end our sistership too.
Much loves, ♥
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