but well, for now, I know I've got to study hard. because it's just a like, 'dream' for me to become a real tai tai in the future. I think i srsly can forgo this thinking as I doubt that is going to happen. but guess what? I srsly just can't on my study mode. holidays, come soon, and quick please. although its just a week break. and I guess most probably there's gonna be extra lessons on those days lor. zz. sibeh sian. like please lah cant they just give us a break?!?!?!!! :( let us rest! even for CT can make us so stressed up. what about N levels? and O levels?!?!?! wah fml fml fml. ):
I miss my dearest boyfriend as usual. walao eh. hopefully I wont be that lazy tomorrow and head to his place after school. :/
I'm bored now. School tomorrow. ARGH. kk shall stop complaining alrdy. goodbye xoxo. :)

3rd Feb 11.

15th Feb 11.

15th Feb 11.