I've made it to sec 4N! (: Happy about that, but still not satisfied with my results. So I've got to really work hard in sec four! Oh yes, baby boy made it to sec 4 as well. Happy! ^^
So holidays are here, suddenly aint so happy bout it. i'm still looking for jobs. roar, cant seems to find any. @_@ gahhhh. nevermind whatever, goodbye! blog more next time. and oh, CLASS 3N2'2010 I'LL MISS YOUUUUUU :(
"The same one who gave you a reason to wake up smiling, can have you crying to sleep every night."
Purple. Stitch. Ribbons/Bows. Polka Dots. Penguin. 2PM.
I am mentally dating two guys:
#1 Jiro Wang since Primary Five ♥ #2 Jang Wooyoung since Nov 2012 ♥
I am mentally dating two guys:
#1 Jiro Wang since Primary Five ♥ #2 Jang Wooyoung since Nov 2012 ♥
Sunday, October 24, 2010
14th Monthsary
So anyway, I'm not gonna retain if everything goes successfully well like my common test result for F&N wont pull my overall result down. and I'll be safe and in 4N next year! <: Hopefully everything goes well for Baby as well, heard that overall his english still passes and same goes to him, his common test result wont pull his overall result down, he'll also be in 4N with me!! huahua. :B CONGRATS ME! although its a just-nice-promote result, but i'm still contented cause at least, I passed. If Bio isnt combined with Physics, I'll pass one more subjects la! Stupid Bio. I doubt my Mid-Year Result can make my Combined Sci pass.. :( Six more marks..
I wanna go out to take photographs!!! Holidays, I'll drag Baby out to alot of places to take photographs of th nature and everything with me. hehe. Neoprints too! :)
Alright, bye! Continue reading okayyyyyy. You rocks! :D
12:57 PM

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Got back 5 papers today. Maths, as expected I'll fail. Failed Biology by eight marks, passed physics. Overall mark for sci was like 46!! fuck, hate bio. pulling my combined sci down. >:( four more marks!!! sigh. F&N, failed theory paper by 4 and a half mark, overall still pass though. Geography failed by 9 marks, 'cause Idk totally how to do th river and coast thingy. But yeah luckily I've passed my F&N though, hopefully english and mt tomorrow will goes successfully and im not gonna retain!!! <:
okay goodbyeeeez. praying hard for babyboy that he wont retain :(
okay goodbyeeeez. praying hard for babyboy that he wont retain :(
10:19 PM

Monday, October 18, 2010
EOY No More
Class outing tomorrow. What a class outing anw. very less people going. fucked up class. but nevermind, there's still alot of fun people going!!! thats all matters, hehe :B
Went to somehow 'celebrate' with babyboy for ending of examinations, KFC. yes, i cant resist the temptation still. blah. brought Babygirl to playground with dearest. let her play for awhile then homed. wanted to stay over at baby's house today but then again, aiya dont want la. his family members are weird. nevermind. we aint gonna bother about what others think about us, cause this is our love, not theirs. yes baby? ^-^
good night everyone! i hope i wont retain ):
Class outing tomorrow. What a class outing anw. very less people going. fucked up class. but nevermind, there's still alot of fun people going!!! thats all matters, hehe :B
Went to somehow 'celebrate' with babyboy for ending of examinations, KFC. yes, i cant resist the temptation still. blah. brought Babygirl to playground with dearest. let her play for awhile then homed. wanted to stay over at baby's house today but then again, aiya dont want la. his family members are weird. nevermind. we aint gonna bother about what others think about us, cause this is our love, not theirs. yes baby? ^-^
good night everyone! i hope i wont retain ):
10:19 PM

Sunday, October 17, 2010
I feel like meeting Baby like, right now. but he's an idiot he's still outside enjoying himself dont want return home!!!!! okay dont say until so badz, he cant come back laaa. dont feel like going over to his place, but i have got to be fair to him also maaa. cant be he always come over right? ._. how ah?
anyway tomorrow's last paper, just tomorrow! yay! and oh i dont think there's bridging programme this year!!! ^-^ but I guess there'll be F&N lessons, i'm going. baby will fetch me after that, as he promised. lalala! :)
okay so anyway i'm kind of bored right now. baby come back quickk!!!
anyway tomorrow's last paper, just tomorrow! yay! and oh i dont think there's bridging programme this year!!! ^-^ but I guess there'll be F&N lessons, i'm going. baby will fetch me after that, as he promised. lalala! :)
okay so anyway i'm kind of bored right now. baby come back quickk!!!
11:42 AM

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Lots Of Love,
I'm trying to recall what's th purpose of me posting right now..... recalling, recalling, recalling... trying very hard to do so.... :'( okay somehow, i'm gonna give up thinking. roarrr. will edit this post again later if i've recalled, like lol!
anyway, click on my nuffnang advertisements! it wont kill you for doing that, or even, you wont be at any disadvantage right?! so be a kind soul and do that if you see any advertisement coming out thank you all so muchhhhy ~ ~
11:20 PM

Friday, October 15, 2010
Tomorrow's th 16th. One year six months with babyboy. Can't believe that we've been in love with each other for ONE AND A HALF YEAR. or okay, maybe more than that. time flies, it really does. :) and no, we've not neglected 16th though 24th is closer to our heart. but since 16th april, we've been through a lot and finally, gets together. so, 16th is as memorable as 24th. BUT! no matter what day, month or year, i'll still love you baby.
Geography paper today was partially CMI. except for th last few pages. Chinese paper two was kinda easy, except for some questions for th comprehension part. last paper to go! biology. gonna study some of it tomorrow and sunday gonna study with baby. I hope i'll pass because it'll be a waste since i'm confident of passing my physics. what if.... i failed? @_@!!! too much confidence do no good sometimes. blah.
okay anyway, currently waiting my phone to be fully charged. i'm missing my dearest so much, although today, i swear isnt a good day for th both of us. i get so frustrated so EASILY today, especially today. wahhhh fuck :(
nevermind, tomorrow's gonna be a better day. night all ~
Geography paper today was partially CMI. except for th last few pages. Chinese paper two was kinda easy, except for some questions for th comprehension part. last paper to go! biology. gonna study some of it tomorrow and sunday gonna study with baby. I hope i'll pass because it'll be a waste since i'm confident of passing my physics. what if.... i failed? @_@!!! too much confidence do no good sometimes. blah.
okay anyway, currently waiting my phone to be fully charged. i'm missing my dearest so much, although today, i swear isnt a good day for th both of us. i get so frustrated so EASILY today, especially today. wahhhh fuck :(
nevermind, tomorrow's gonna be a better day. night all ~
11:12 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Four More Papers To Go
Examinations are ending soon, finally. Holidays are coming, though I think there'll be bridging programme this year as well. Must go, especially for F&N. Today's physics paper was quite okay. I think should be able to pass, like yay :)! but F&N is another different thing. know some, dont know some. think I'd fail, but pray for a border line fail. luckily there's coursework, tsk.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to holidays. :)
Class outing soon, I feel like going, but i'm broke. how? :(:(:((((
Shall go to bed soon, maths paper one tomorrow..
10:39 PM

Monday, October 11, 2010
Super Sunshine
(Pardon me for th darkness, forgot to on flash, tsk.)
Had an advance birthday celebration with BabyGirl yesterday with whole family. Baby was here too. Had steamboat. Today might be going to th Croc Farm/Farm Mart, but I've got F&N to study, how? sigh. stresssssss ~
1:47 PM

Friday, October 8, 2010
Canon Powershot SX130IS

Had Pizza Hut as lunch with LohSengHock, JoeyTan, RachelYong and Dearest. Enjoyed quite alot there. Then decided to get my camera today, thus we went to AMK. Dearest head down to Habour Front with me to redeem my free gifts from Canon, then head back home. Went to play badminton with Joey, SengHock and Rachel. Had a good talk with Rachel Sweetheart earlier on. :) It's like, th last time was last year on my birthday!!! and finally, we had this h2h talks, again. I luv h2h talks!!! hehe. ♥
Anyway I guess can say bye to A for english. Paper one was alright but paper two was like disaster, wah fuck it. nevermind. gonna study Ss and do notes on F&N tomorrow!
10:35 PM

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tomorrow's the day
Anyway, things aint going smoothly for me. R/s, studies, everything.. but I'm not gonna let it affect me for this period of time.
On a happier now, class outing on 19th! I'm sooooo excited for it. and most prob, I'm getting my camera on th 18th. :):):) Yay, SX130 come to me come to me!!! :)
3:52 PM

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Dead Beat
Hi. I'm feeling so tired now, gonna make this a quick post. I'm currenty posting via phone. Did I mention that i've changed phone to xperia x10 mini already? Same phone as babyboy. ^^ hehe. and currently, I mad love this phone. cause of th games and everything. (:
Just finish revising some maths. Feels so great. Thanks joey! I'm so dead beat now. Imagine that you had school the previous day and straight after school and after showering, you rushed to work and then ended work at night. The next day, you had to wake up early to work, again. What's more, giving out flyers! Door to door in private landed house. Tiring.
I'm having sunburn again. Sian. Anyway i'll be heading to baby's place to study tomorrow. :) missing him so much. Okay, goodnight everyone!
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